Coach PapaYats

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when you don't have jerk boxes... need to learn efficient way to lower barbell form overhead. Mainly to prevent injury  to any and every bodypart involved. 


The method I use differs from everything you read online on this subject. Again, this blog contains alternative information to everything that is out there on the web.

If you have jerk blocks, or very strong shoulders, you probably won't need this skill, you can use traditional lowering methods (bar goes down crashing on you, and you are trying to stop it.)

it's very easy

Let me explain the steps from holding weight overhead, or you can go directly to video below:

  1. Bend you knees, keep arms straight
  2. Let the bar come down, resist a little with arms.
  3. As the bar is coming down, go up on your toes.
  4. Meet the bar on base of your neck (rack) when you are still high on toes.
  5. As soon as bar touches your rack position, heels hit the floor. 
  6. Bend your knees for final amortization. 

Daniel is my lifter from Sweden. 

major benefits of this method

This methods has a little learning curve and you need to learn on light weights, but it will really help your training by:

  • preventing injury
  • retaining energy
  • saving time to reset between each rep
  • working muscle memory for jerk better (bro-science term) as there's less time between reps
  • looking professional as you will seem to be in control of heavy barbell (this is good if you are a coach working with clients.) 

olympic silver medalist in practice

Try it, get used to with light weights, it works!