The online coaching program with video review has reached its maximum capacity, and we are currently unable to accommodate new students. If you're interested in our programming services alone, you may access it by clicking the following link:

Coach PapaYats is building a remote Weightlifting Development School, and we’re currently looking for new students to help us build an online training environment for athletes serious about learning, as opposed to those who just want to follow a program.

Instead of passing on generic programs, we have built some highly adaptable templates for each phase of periodization. You can expect guidance on how to customize your own program based on your weaknesses, as well as a set of exercises and technical explanations to go with each block. For example, in a squat cycle, we will break down the common types of squat weakness and teach athletes how to address that weakness. With each phase, our focuses will change.

Athletes can also expect to master each component of Chinese-style lifting through a set of courses we are building. Whether it’s learning proper balance (an element missing completely in most lifters we see initially), timing, or positioning, you can learn what to look for and how to improve.

As new students, the price is $119/mo. We won’t ever raise the price on you once you become a student, but it may go up for future cohorts as we build new content.

Please click here to learn more.