China Weightlifting Camp 2019

This year again our grassroot youth weightlifting program has been invited to train with one of the most highly skilled coaches in the world.

We are starting a fundraiser, and after seeing your votes, we will do Online Technique Reviews.

Rules are very simple:

  1. Donate at least $100 (but of course more is appreciated) to PayPal

  2. Pick 3 exercises where you think you need guidance the most (snatch, clean, squat, jerk, snatch pull, front squat ). Clean and jerk are 2 separate exercises.

  3. Prepare up to 2 video lifts per exercise - for example snatch 80kgx2, or snatch 85kgx1 and 90kgx1.

  4. Send me the videos. If it’s not a big problem for you, I prefer that you create a Google Photos album and add as a collaborator. This way I can comment on the videos directly and you have control of your privacy. I can also do it over YouTube, Instagram, Vimeo, etc.

  5. Please send lifts that are characteristic of your usual technique (i.e no super heavy misses). I suggest between 70%-90% of your max.

  6. I will show you the 3 biggest areas for improvement exactly the way I coach my athletes face to face. Simple explanations and demonstrations, just like Chinese coaches do. No writing essays.

  7. You can ask me up to 3 clarification questions via email.

Please allow a few days for my response. I am not sure how many people will contact me at once, and every individual evaluation will take a little bit of time.

Thank you for supporting us. By contributing, you’re helping us all to grow as coaches and lifters. In return, I will be bringing more FREE high level and detailed content to you.